Exact addresses
Towns and Tourist points around the country
Closest restaurants, sorted by category (chinese, italian, fast food, etc.)
A residentinal area (colonia) you do not know
Fuel stations, banks, ATMs, pharmacies, hospitals and other points of interest.
Browse the points of interest closest to your calculated rout or closest to your current location.
Store your favorite locations for easy navigation between them (friends, family, work, customers, businesses, etc.)
Option to load your destinations from your computer
The optimal route, you pick between the fastest or the shortest
Estimated time of arrival
Total route distance
Distance to your next turn
Recalculates your route if you find a blocked street or if you miss the programmed route
To your destination even if you have never been there.
Q-Find will guide you through voice and images the directions to your planned route
Different language for voice and text (English, Spanish, French, German, Chinese, etc.)
Current Latitude, Longitude and Elevation
Current Traveling speed (more precise than the vehicle’s speedometer)
Average traveling speed
Total time in movement and total stopped time
Your trip's Maximum speed
No monthly fees for the satellite service
Option to turn on through pass code (security option)
Gives you the current satellite time (precise to the second)
Compass, calculator, currency and unit conversions
Image visualization (jpg, etc.)
3D o 2D visualization
Update the automobile’s icon
Rechargeable battery and fully portable
For use in car, motorcycle, bicycle or on foot
Recharge it while driving (charging adapter included)
Easy to use
Ideal for your business
Take it to the United States and keep navigating (Garmin's USA maps included)!